Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big two weeks

My heart is aching. I just came back from the airport. My two loves left for Toronto after a week of fabulousness.
But since, I have been busy drinking and dancing and working in between, I have not had a chance to post about my trip to Vancouver Island. So let's start at the very beginning. Its a very good place to start (Julie Andrews)

Vancouver Island
We (me and Shawn) left for the Island on Friday night (8/17). We had a reservation for a 7 o'clock boat, but Shawn didn't get back from work until close to 6. So we had a sushi dinner and left on an 9/10 o'clock ferry (can't remember). The ferry was huge and we watched Kathy Griffin on my laptop as we sail through the black water.

We landed at Swartz Bay and drove south to Victoria. Again, we were working from a crappy map in the Vancouver gay guide. We located the one gay bar in town and parked on the edge of downtown on a residential side street. The bar was balls - super small, downstairs, crap music - but me and Shawn made the most of it. Ran into a homeless guy who did spoken work at like 3 a.m. and were shoo-ed away from outside of someone's window when I got loud talking about how much I missed Neil.

The next morning we woke up early in hopes of driving to Tofino. We had no idea it was on the far end of the island and that it would take some 5 hours to get to. Oh and it rained. Saturday it rained all day. The further we got from Victoria the harder it rained. We stopped in Nanaimo to assess the situation. The tourist info place we stopped at was right next to the grounds where they were holding the VIEX (Van. Is. Exhibition). We had pretty much written Tofino off after talking to the girl - so Shawn says, "Well, I want to see old trees." "No problem," she said. She circled on the map where we should go and another cool park to check out. [Pictures to be posted at the later date]

The rain actually let up a couple of times so our adventures weren't completely wet. Except when I stepped in the river. Balls. So that was Saturday, and since the original plan was to stay in Tofino that night, we decided that would drive back to Victoria for the night, party and then drive back to Nanaimo on Sunday and go to the fair. We should have just stayed in Nanaimo - but live and learn, I guess. The bar was even worse on Saturday (go figure) - but I ran into Katu, the coat check girl (drag queen) from 181 in London. How friggin' random.

Anyways. Woke up on Sunday and was wet and cold because it rained all night and all morning. As soon as we left Victoria though, the sky cleared and the VIEX was definitely a hit. VERY much a COUNTRY fair. They had a tractor parade. The 'agroplex' had a displays about about different B.C. fair animals and their importance to the economy. Shawn particularly liked the miniature horses and Jack Russel terrier races. We kept missing the real fun stuff like sheep sheering and goat bathing, but we definitely made the cow milking demo. [Pictures to be posted at a later date]

Around 3 in the afternoon Shawn had his fill and we slowly started to head back south to the ferry. Thank God we had a reservation. The line to get on a ferry was like 2km long. Nuts.

And then the truck broke down. I was SOOO PISSED OFF - but we were really lucky. It just stopped a couple (relatively) block from our place. It was the alternator, and cost Shawn $700.

The Girls
Monday night (8/20)went Industry Night ($3 in, $3 drinks) and got TRASHED - with Neil. I 'forgot' that I had arranged with Adam (Lauren's brother who was RANDOMLY in B.C.) to pick the girls up at the airport in Tuesday morning. So he called me at 11:30 from outside my building and had run back - half drunk.

Seeing the girls was like having a big weight taken off my shoulders. Lauren and Leanne are probably the people closest to me in my life. We don't see each other as often as we should, but the connection we have is stronger than that. We got dropped off at Lauren's friend Chantel's house where they were staying. She left us a joint and the suggestion of Toby's (a bar) for lunch. I couldn't tare myself away from the table and was like an hour late for work.

Wednesday was a perfect day. We went to a place called Bon's off Broadway for breakfast. If you are even in Vancouver's east side (Commercial Dr. Area) go. $3.00 for a full breakfast. Me and Adam had 2. We went to PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) that afternoon and had a fabulous time. Got a shave, thought the girl was gonna hack my face off. Went to see Superdogs, totally overrated. They had a street performers who were fantastic - the ones we saw at least. I believe they were called OzStar Airlines.

After the fair we went to the New Amsterdam Cafe, to smoke a J. And boy was that a great idea. SO HIGH. Then we went to dinner at White Spot. I went to White Spot once before the last time I was in Vancouver, and I really wasn't impressed. Adam had the same experience, so when we heard that that was the plan we made our opinion heard. Didn't change anything. Anyways, this time was a much better experience.

After dinner we went back to my place and had a few drinks and then went to the 'O'. Wednesday nights they have a drag show - and this was the first time that I had seen one from the beginning. It was FAB - totally awesome!! Those girls work really hard and I could never do it - or at least as good and they do. The girls got to meet Neil and everyone loved everyone. So much so that we went to Neil's after for drinks (surprise) and we all stayed over. We drank and sang until 5 a.m when we got a noise complaint. It was wonderful

I was going to take everyone to Joe's Grill for breaky, but Adam demanded a variation, so hungover and smelling of booze, we had sushi at 12:30. We went back to mine and got ready for the beach. We smoked a bowl or two and ventured down Davie. The day was perfect - hot with a slight breeze. The water was cool, but refreshing - I was the only one who went in thought. I had to work Thursday night and open on Friday.

Saturday morning (8/25)we went up to Whistler. On the way up we stopped at Brohm Lake, a small glacier lake just outside Squamish. It was serene. The water was freezing cold. Warm enough to coax you in but so cold I couldn't take full breathes. And because it was cloudy, the water was black and ominous. And me and open water don't get along.

Whistler is another world. Its called a resort village, and I had no idea what that meant until we took a stroll through the main village. That was really serene. Everything was prefect and small and chateau like. Kind of plastic. But I got over it pretty quick. The other reason its called 'resort' is because everything is resort priced. We went out for lunch and I had a $13 turkey sandwich. Yeah. But its Whistler.

We went looking a hostel - half-heartedly. I had always planned to stay in the truck, but when we couldn't find rooms anywhere, we found our digs in Lot 4 (overnight parking). There were a whole bunch of campers and RVs parked there so we didn't feel like total sketch bags. We went to the BCL and grocery store and stocked up. Chantel poured the first drink at 5:30 - I looked.

We were parked next to each other and used the mini van trunk as the bar and the truck bed as a lounge. We fit 7 people into the bed and we had to because it started to rain. This went on until about 10 when the rain let up and we went to see what the scene was like. We went to a resto/bar and got a round of drinks on the patio. One of Chantel's friends showed up and stole my girls away. "If you don't go now, you won't get in." "No, no," I said, "I work at the same bar in London." "Whatever!" She said as they went into some bar called Moe Joe's and me and the boys (Adam, Kevin and Shawn) went back to the bar and had a few more drinks.

Showed up at the Buffalo Bill at 11:45 and talked to the door guy. He knew what was going on and told me to go to 'Express' entrence. He said he could walk me in in 20 mins. So I sent Kevin into Moe Joe's to fetch the girls. Shawn, I find leaning his head on a post, so I sent him back to the car. Turns out he got lost (LOL). We get into the bar and the manager bought us a round of double shots. Leanne started to waver and Lauren decided to take her back to the car. Turns out they got lost (LMFAO). The bar was really nothing special and it was creppy because it was just like my bar in London. But whatever, danced and had a wicked time. (Total drinking time = 8 hrs)

Sunday morning, I was looking forward to a greasy McDy's breafast, but got dragged to a crepe place. It was good and not greasy but cost me $12.50. Two eggs, peameal, cheese, on a crepe. $12.50. Anyways.

Yesterday (8/27) we all went to a fabulous all you can eat Japanese place on Burrard called Shobusen. I definitely ate my $21.50 worth. And it was just good times. After we went to Chantel's for a night cap.

Of course I don't know my limit and I went to the 'O' afterwards. Neil was there, but I should have figured when he didn't call me back that he was doing his own thing - which is cool - *tear*

And that brings me back to the beginning. I have lots of work to look forward to this week. And I have to move out of my closet and onto Shawn's floor on Friday. The Irish boys are also back this weekend. And I bought my plane ticket home yesterday. It truly is a bittersweet symphony. *sigh*

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The one that got away/ Mindless Self Indulgence

Last night, my imaginary boyfriend for real broke up with me. It happened at the scene of the crime, The Odyssey. I walked in the back door and saw him smoking onn the patio and I walked right past him. Play hard to get, I thought. He caught up with me in the washroom and we went and had a drink and a dance.

Then he pulls me aside and says that we need to talk. Oh shit.

"I can't get involved with someone who is leaving in two weeks," he says. " My heart can't take it."

"And don't get me wrong, I really like you. Which I why it has to be like this."

With a smile on my face I knodded. 'Big girls don't cry' plays in the background. "How appropriate," he says.

I can't fault him for it. I would have loved to have a passionate 2 week fling - but I could tell he wasn't that sort of guy.

The first question I asked him after he destroyed my world (dramatics) was, "Have you joined the facebook revolution?"
"No. I'm anti-technology. I don't even have e-mail." My heart sank further. I at least held on to the notion that we would keep in touch, but if this kid doesn't even check email... But he said " I'll get one if thats important to you." I told him it was. I don't want to... force him - but - I'll take all the interaction with him I can. Of course I'm going to give him this blog - but I doubt he'll visit. *Shrugs*

I am a big believer in 'things hjappen for a reason'. When he said, "If you were here longer, I'd be willing to give it a shot," my first thought was, 'well I haven't booked a flight.' But then I remembered I just made a $3000 tuition payment. Fucking school. But my one shining hope is that he is going back home in December. That should mean he will be off the market till then - and probably while he's there. Now anything can happen but hey read the title - mindless self indulgence. All I can do is hope and pray that we cross paths again and feel the sames things we did this past week. *Sigh*

I would post the vanity picture I took of us last night - but he deserves his privacy. And so ends the love story that was - Will & Neil.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

elbows and knees

I tend to decide the name of my posts before I start writing them. It keeps me focused on what I want to talk about. This is the post that I will talk about the boys I met at Odyssey on Saturday. As I began to sign-in to write it, I had second thoughts. Why? Well, it's nothing more than a fling. I've had lots of flings that don't end up on here. But Neil is different, and I don't know why.

Well I know why, but I'm going to post anyways, sort of as an archive of this boy I knew once upon a time.

The way he danced was what first attracted me to him. He dances just like me, without a care in the world and with 100% spunk. He describes his dancing as 'all elbows and knees', which it is. 'You can't dance with me, just at me.'

So he's clever, and confident. Have I mentioned he's gorgeous? Well, he is. I am trying to put into words all the small things that make me want to stare at him all day long. His deep brown eyes, his strong jawline, his high cheek bones. He has a beautiful mouth -great kisser. I want to talk about his body details, but thats trashy, right?

He is also hilarious. He and his (lesbian) roommate are a dynamic duo. They are also uber cool. They read the dictionary and thesaurus for fun. They come up with drag names. Sometimes, I can't believe I met him. Which I why I am so shook. Which I why I am posting about him.

My subtitled msn name is ' - life is one great big tease'. Of course I have to meet somebody that is so clearly short term - that I can imagine long term. I doubt if circumstances were different things would work out. He makes a big deal about our age difference (7 years) and I am seemingly a much more sexual person than he is, and he parties harder than most people I know. But I would try my hardest to win his heart - if I had the time.

We met on Saturday night and spent Sunday and Monday together. I didn't see him last night and my world is crumbling. He needed a good night's sleep so I wasn't in hysterics or anything. But I probably won't see him until Sunday and even then its all a big maybe. Maybe our relationship was those three days and thats it. Maybe I'll never see him again. That would be a mighty shame. But I as I said to start, thats the reason for this post. To remember Neil, a magnificent, beautiful, dream of a boy, I met in Vancouver once upon a time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

My All American Experience (The Remix): Seattle

This trip was WAAAYYY better then my first. Seattle is awesome. Ok, maybe that is a little over-stated but we had an awesome time there. This will be a quick run down, no social commentary. Got through the boarder quickly and smoothly. I didn't even say a word. Driving is definitely the way to go. Rolled into town late Friday night. Got a heads up of where the 'gay' area was, but for the love of a good man, couldn't find any clubs. Me and Shawn walked around in cirlces drinking vodka and Crans out of juice bottles, until we came across of group of prancing queers (well one was prancing) and followed them to a bar called The Cuff. It was a leather/daddy/bear/jock place. But I kind of saw it as an all purpose kind of bar. They had a proper bar room with darts and pinball and porn on the TV's (p.s. my new gauge of a gay bar's gayness) then they had a separate dance floor. The music was truly shite. Could pick out one Hilary Duff (gag), a Modonna (that was far too sped up), and of of the gay anthem of Summer 2007 Umbrella (ella, ella, eh).

We totally camped out in the bed of Shawn's truck, which I was sure was illegal, but we got away with it, so there. We got a good and early start to Saturday. Had breaky a crap restaurant in the public market. Sure we had a wicked waterfront view, but the service was sooo slow and premium priced food left much to be desired. Took a dump in and brushed my teeth outside a McDonald's outside the Space Needle. Real homeless like.

Went to the Experience Music Project. So. Friggin'. Cool. It's like Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame, but better (I assume). It focused mainly on popular American music, but in a very cultural sense. Who was listening to what. Who influenced who? How technology has influenced the was the create music of the past century. We were only the for two hours but could have spent the whole day. And for $15, I'd call that a pretty moderately priced tourist attraction.

Then we took a drive down to 'Pioneer Square'. Getting off the highway we pass Safeco Field, which is totally a feat of engineering. This picture doesn't do it justice.

In 'Pioneer Square' I find Utilikilts. I have wanting a kilt for long time. Not sure why. I think that they ooze with masculinity. This was the first time I have come across a practical affordable kilt. Its got pockets. It come sin demin and cotton like dickies and brushed cotton that kind of feel likes wool. Awesome. I thought $130+ wad pricey, but really its not. I am getting one. For September. It was be my 'good for you for trying new things' gift.

We left the city soon after that so that we would make it back to Van to go out that night. We stopped at an outlet mall first. To do some power shopping. 3 hours later, my credit card was maxed, I have 4 new hats (yes 4!) and a serious yearning to go back. Which I will because I have to buy my kilt.

I met a guy at the bar that night. But thats another post.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The media post

Ok I just spent like a 1/2 hour customizing my blog, but I'm back. Ah I love mornings off.

Ok so the first part of the media blog has to do with the up swing in middle east related movies that have/are coming out. Last night I went to go see A Mighty Heart, the Angelina Jolie film about Washington Post reporter Daniel Pearl who was kidnapped and beheaded in 2002 in Pakistan. The film wasn't what I expected. I was kind of in the mood for a good cry, but instead got a thick dose of reality. It was shot in a very docudrama kind of way and didn't get to develop the Daniel character or the relationship. Still a good pic.

During the previews The Kingdom stood out. An American team is sent to Iraq (I guess) to investigate bombing. Team member gets kidnapped, all hell ensues. I think it was Chris Cooper made me think it was a legit film. Also stars Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner and apparently Jeremy Piven and Jason Bateman. Weird thing about this movie is that I think it was filmed before Jennifer Garner was pregnant, which means its a few years old, but they have sitting on it for whatever reasons....

And then over at ohlala I saw the trailer for Rendition, which has a much better cast (Jake Gyllenhaal, Resse Witherspoon, Meryl Streep). Its about an Arab American who is detained by the government is some other country. Streep plays the president (I think) Witherspoon the wife and Jakie the interrogator.

My point of making these observations is because I am all about communicating. It is expected that since the west is engaged in such heavy military operations in the east that the east would invade out realm of media experience. But that worries me is how the east is being portrayed. It still exists in the 'orientalist' mindset, whereas this would be a good opportunity to Arab stories rather than Americans in Arabia ones....

Back on the 'light' side, I came across this video last night and almost died. At the club one night this weekend, this beautiful boy walked past me and I said, 'Now why can't I meet guys like that.' Totally obnoxious, but... then I saw this - WHY CAN'T I MEET GUYS LIKE THIS!!???
Warning: Penises
Hawt, Drunk Rugby players this way

My First Grown-up Pride: aka 'the grass is always greener'

This past weekend was Vancouver Pride. And let me say it was FAB-U-LOUS!!!
Where do I begin? Well first, the four musketeers. Me and Shawn, and our friends the Irish boys. We were a force to be reckoned with. It was amazing to have a crew. Of gay boys. Back home it is usually me and girls. Girls who I love, with all my heart. But Gay boys!!! Oh it was nice.

Went to Celebrities on Friday for their 'Pride Ball'. We were HAMMERED when we got there. Had a massive predrink, almost forgot to go the bar. They had a KITCHY stage show going on when were got there. We all cheered even though we had no idea who the performer was. Made out with some blonde guy. I knew at the time (kinda) and after that it was totally beer goggles, but who is to say he didn't feel the same way. I thought it was a good start to the weekend.

Saturday was weird. During the day me and Shawn went to the beach. It was packed because people were camping out for the grand finale of the 'Sponsor' Celebration of Light. My friend Steve was in town from Calgary and gave me a call. He came to see his brother, but got ditched, so we got to hang out. We ended up going to his (brother's) place and barbequeing. He had a beautiful loft. We all went down to watch the fireworks, and I held Steve in my arms and let me tell you, it was pretty much the most romantic thing ever!
Since fireworks didn't end till 10:30 we didn't get to drinking till late and we didn't make it to the bar until like 1:30. We STILL had to wait in line until 2:30. By time time they let us in the door was was ready to jump out of my skin. We paid out cover, and they made us wait! I was dying! I don't wait in lines, but pride... there's really no choice. Fucking DJ decided to start his hip hop set at like 3:40. So while the normal people hooked up and went home at a normal time, me and Shawn, (and two crazy blondes) shook our booties HARD.

Sunday was the parade. Almost missed it. I kept telling people, 'parade starts at 2'. Steven txtd me at 11 am Sunday and it says 'parade starts at 12'. I barely could open my eyes to read it. But I knew Shawn would have my balls if we missed it so, I called him and we went down. It was really nice. Not uber big, but not small by any means. Two hours long. Hot boys, community groups, everything a pride parade should have.
Sunday night we got a good predrink on and walked into the club - no line!!! Gotta love tickets. This where the whole 'grass is greener' thing comes in. To this point we had a fucking fantastic Pride, as you can read. But I kept looking over my shoulder a the prettier more popular boys and envying them, just a little bit. But I got over it really quick. This was my first grown-up pride.