Monday, May 28, 2007

Ugly Betty

I've said it before and I will say it again. Ugly Betty is a great show. If you not had a chance to catch it, here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

quick post

Ok, so for those of you who don't know I'm a porn junkie. Get over it.

Anyways, I found this guy and saved him under the file name 'god'.

Too much? - What do you think?

p.s. yes I lifted the image, the only reason I'm not linking it because I'm afraid you'll go... msg me

Monday, May 21, 2007

I [heart] the Internet

I had to go to stupid Wal-Mart yesterday, to get some workboots. I hate going to Wal-Mart, but for stuff like that, $60 is too good to pass up. Wal-Mart 1 bajillion +1 - the little guy 0.

Anyways, while I was at the mall, I tried my hardest not to buy other stuff. Yeah right. But I am proud of myself, kept it on the clearance rack, $50 for two pairs of pants and a t-. I think I might take back pair of jeans and the t- though. They only fit ok, and I can't afford to be buying just 'ok' clothes.

Anyways so as I did my deciding today, I thought who is this American Eagle company and where did they come from. Me being me, I wikipedia'd it. The article told me what I wanted to know, I guess. They are #2 in their market, which I was surprised to find was in against Old Navy, rather than A&F.

The article used the word 'Preppy' to describe the style. Preppy had an article so I read that where I fond the link to

Wow - thats dedication. Like omg. I wish I could produce something of that caliber. But really - Fratting? Wow.

Anyways, I [heart] the Internet.

I also love: Feist, CBC Radio, Eau de Douche, and these condoms:

What are great idea! Aloe

ok, so I have a type...

The guy on the left, his is name Matt Czuchry. He was the love interest of Roriee Gilmore, on the Gilmore Girls for the past few seasons.

I Google (image)'d him and found this one.

Now I liked Matt because: hes blonde, I like his squinty eyes, and of course his straight teeth.

But then I saw the guy on the right. Who is that?! Like he is at least 8 - 10x hotter.

But I thought I had a thing for blondes?

Angles. Beauty is a game of genes and angles. the brow, the cheek bones, the jaw. Mr. Right has ever so slightly tighter angles. Or is that just me?

Anyways if anyone knows who the guy on the right is holler at me, just for curiosity's sake.

Link to: TV makes you stupid
(Its a blog by someone who is obsessed with TV - its postmodern)

Friday, May 11, 2007


Just gonna throw this out there - if there are people who check this - I appologize for slagging off the past few weeks. I haven't been doing anything really, just kinda getting into the grove of summer.

I am kind of glad that I haven't been on here regularly, playing out the mirco drama of my life. Suffice to say, I don't trust bisexuals, I hate my job and I love carbs.

Yeah that pledge thing - ppffbb. Now I am trying to keep up on getting in shape. I started taking whey protein FINALLY. That was a stupid story. Bought it at a silent auction I was working at. But I have it, I'm taking it. I love it.

What else - I want to bitch about - I don't even know how to phrase it. Long and Short: Crush on a guy at work. He calls me a fag. I confront him. We're friends. He comes out to me - as bi(curious?). He won't talk to me outside work. He pukes on me. He talks out of his ass. But you know what? Fuck him. Hard :s lol!!

Right oh, Cherio.