Monday, May 21, 2007

I [heart] the Internet

I had to go to stupid Wal-Mart yesterday, to get some workboots. I hate going to Wal-Mart, but for stuff like that, $60 is too good to pass up. Wal-Mart 1 bajillion +1 - the little guy 0.

Anyways, while I was at the mall, I tried my hardest not to buy other stuff. Yeah right. But I am proud of myself, kept it on the clearance rack, $50 for two pairs of pants and a t-. I think I might take back pair of jeans and the t- though. They only fit ok, and I can't afford to be buying just 'ok' clothes.

Anyways so as I did my deciding today, I thought who is this American Eagle company and where did they come from. Me being me, I wikipedia'd it. The article told me what I wanted to know, I guess. They are #2 in their market, which I was surprised to find was in against Old Navy, rather than A&F.

The article used the word 'Preppy' to describe the style. Preppy had an article so I read that where I fond the link to

Wow - thats dedication. Like omg. I wish I could produce something of that caliber. But really - Fratting? Wow.

Anyways, I [heart] the Internet.

I also love: Feist, CBC Radio, Eau de Douche, and these condoms:

What are great idea! Aloe

1 comment:

dan said...

aloe gel actually works pretty good there.....