Wednesday, November 15, 2006

my body hurts

My body hurts. It hurts a lot, and I'm not exactly sure why. I have not been sleeping enough, I have been eating shittily, and working out/not working out.

I'm in my Graphic Design class right now and I really don't want to be here. But I couldn't phathom staying home because I have so much work to do. I have a 3000 word essay due tomorrow I haven't started. Well I've started, but just barely. But I do figure that I have - what, 6 hours - more than enough time to get it done. And its on Madonna and postmodernity, two of favorite things ever. So I'm not to worried.

I'm more worried about not feeling well. If tomorrow is worse than today, I'm fuct. So I'm going to go to bed, partially early tonight. Weeds @ 10, session, in bed by midnight. Which still only give me 6.5 hours of sleep. All I want to do is sleep. Its not mono ... I think. I would even be more inclines to say its mild depression.

The longer I sit here through the worse I feel. Like my teeth hurt.

And I thought that if I let all my horny out in my blog I'd feel better. But this class is a follow along type workshop. - hold on -

Yeah I don't think this is gonna work. For the record it would have been a fantasy about the trades guys at funshawe. They're burly and gruff. And if they were all into it, it would be fun. An orgy I mean. In the metal shop, or automotive garage. Aaah hot

Sunday, November 12, 2006

So thats how its gonna be

I don't even know where to begin on this one. I want to talk about my lack of motivation for LIFE, but what is weighing on my mind is stupid last night. Maybe we'll do that first and then move onto what is wrong with me.

So Last night had the potential to be a fucking fantastic night, and no doubt it was. But then he had to go and ruin it. Saturday night, after not doing anything all day, I showered put on my clothes and headed out to the beer store. It was a normal shitty London night, rainy almost, windy and gross. I get back to the house just as the Leafs scored their first or five goals against the Habs. A leafs win, some points for my pool, beer, friends and pot. It was perfect.

Then we tried to get the night started. Made the phone calls to see which party/bar we wre going to. Of course my crew can't get anything done, so we ended up at the boys house trying to get them to leave. I was having none it. I was going to the gay bar.

My good friend Laura, was going to support this guy she is seeing [GORGEOUS] who was going to support his gay friends. So it was like one big support group. So I get to bar, by myself and realize that it isn't so easy to show up by yourself, confident, hot and ready for action. I walked in and recognize not a single face. And while all of this is clicking in my head, I remember the ex-.

I didn't even think to think if he was coming or not. I think a large part of me didn't give a fuck. But the night went on of course as it tends to do. I found my friend and her hot lover and we danced slutily for a good chunk of songs. I left the dance floor to grab a drink with a friend, and after waiting at the bar for like 10 minutes I turned anf caught a gilmspe of him in the crowd coming towards me. Thank god for my new hair cut.

Its funny because while we were going out I had always threatened to get a mohawk, but never did. The week we break up though I'm all over that shit. So I barried my face in my big plastic cup, and turned my back to him and he kept moving. While I drunk at the time, I knew this wasn't going to go well.

Fast forward, back on the dancefloor I'm grooving my ass when a former flig walks by. Of course this is the guy who is my ex-'s gay enemey. And of course he's drunk and of course he grabs me for a kiss, and of course I push him off [with one hand and grab his cock with my other, which of course sent mixed messages] and of course he tries again. Holding his head with both my hands I yell ' Please, for me, don't!' He keeps walking and I try and find the ex- but hes gone [from dancing not to far away].

I go out for a butt w/ my friend to discuss and her other friend comes out. She explains that the guy she came with is my ex-'s ex-. It is at about this point that the night is officially ruined. Absolute fucking bullshit. I can't concievablely go back in the club and try and pick up with all of this drama in the room. In addition its getting late, and one thing that I have learned is that the longer you stay in the bar after last call, the slimmer the pickings get and generally the worse you look.

We stomp out our butts and walk in the doors and there goes the ex- speeding past me head down. Behind him is my friend who shakes his head in a discouraging manner.

And that was my Saturday night.

So far as my motivation problem, I think what the issue is is simply my personal capacity for work. I don't work well under low pressure situations. I need it to be like do this or you will fail at life, not o this so you can stay ahead. Ahead, who likes to be ahead? Its not exciting when you have your days planned out weeks. Its not fun trying to pencil in friends.

I'm sure there is something to be said about growing up and forward thinking, but I think my three jobs are forward thinking enough thank you, and so I deserve every single ounce I get. Or at least thats how I'm going to justify it.

I do have to go on a diet though. Looked at myself in the mirror the other day and was like 'whats the verdict?' And I stood there and looked at my ass, and my legs and my middle and my chest and back and I like it all. Except for my middle. I have been letting loose lately and the lines thats should be straight are getting round. I need to keep and eye on that. Awesome I love blogging. I feel a lot better.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why is Nathan such a stud?

So there is this guy that goes to my school and he is gay and he is a stud. His name is Nathan and hes really pretty, but not too pretty, and hes tall but not too tall, and hasa good build but not a tank. He is a dreamboat.
But this kid is like the most ellusive person ever. You only ever catch glimeses of him on campus, in and out of the library. I only ever saw him at the gay bar... what twice last year, none this year. He's got a private profile on facebook, and no one I know knows him.
What about this boys with the nice smile is so appealing. Maybe hes prefect in his silent splendor. Maybe its because hes hot and not stuck up about it. Maybe its the fact that he doesn't know I exsist. All the other fags know who I am. They give me dirty looks to prove it. This kid though doesn't even know I exist and we've danced together before.
Oh Nathan how I love thee... from afar and completely superficially.