Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Update Pt. 1 - End of School

Ok so this is the short version of what I remember the end of school being: Terrible.

I stopped working out right around the time of my last post, which makes the time I have taken off from the gym ummm, almost 5 months!! I now weigh just under 190. I feel like a fucking whale. I hate it. And I am over it - sort of. I am over it in terms of like going to work out - but i still feel really insecure with the way I look.

Anyways, my internship took a lot out of me because I was bored a lot of the time and I felt as if I was wasting everyone's time and not getting anything accomplished. But I did get something done. Did I talk about the Green awards? Anyways well I finally got those off the ground and got the Western News to do an article on it, and got a whole bunch of nominations and all in all the whole thing went really well. My boss was satisfied at least, and that was good enough for me. It also gave me good stuff for my final paper. Well, I remember that I had to dig because....

I had to dig a lot towards the end. I remember standing in the library talking to some chick and I said to her, "Look, I don't know if I can do this. I don't have anything left to give. I don't have any bullshit left to spew."

And thats how it really was. I handed in papers late, and really half assed everything.

I was going to say that a lot of that had to do with drinking FAR too much over the last couple months of school. There was just so many opportunities. It was so easy to excuse myself, ourselves, my friends and I. We would look at each other and shrug and order another round.

But it was that and work. The bar was killing me but you know how I love money. I was at catering too, but I didn't really find that too be such a bother. I love catering, best fucking job ever. Go in, talk smack to my underlings, go smoke with the boss and leave. Oh and get fed. Awesome.

Somewhere after my birthday (which was a terrible gong show), Stew and I started planning our roadtrip... See part 2 of update....

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