Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

It's 2:30, and I've been up for about an hour. I have a huge flash website that I need to start today. I was cruising around the internet and came across this post at DTB.

After Viringa Tech this week, I came to the conclusion that the US has fully and completely become a hyperreal state. I was just getting off work I believe when I saw the TVs in the University Community Centre displaying the news out of VT, and I stopped for about 30 seconds to hear the headline and kept on walking. 33 dead, a 2 hour interval between shootings, and flashes of Columbine. I'd seen it before.

So for as large as a tragedy as that incident was, I didn't shed a tear for almost two days, when I was watching the 6 o'clock CBC news hoping to find out what was going in my world, to find that apparently nothing happened in my world that wasn't related to the shooting.

Me and some friends of mine are currently in the process of trying to get a conscious publication off the ground for September. We consider ourselves very enlightened individuals and one of the reasons that we want to start this magazine is so that we can have intelligent conversations with a larger portion of our peer group. I had one with my roommate the other day about about how Canada's liberal party is creating a big mess for itself but making alliances left, green and everywhere. But even that conversation starting to draw in big media punditry and started to lose substance quickly.

Anyways, how do these things relate? I am a media savvy, conscious individual in my liberal minded Canadian haven. I can't imagine who I might be if I lived in the US. I am only turned onto the evils of the organized world about half the time as it is, and thats partly because I don't run into it at every turn. South of the boarder though, I can't fathom how torturous it must to be to see it everywhere. I posted DTB's post because I saw it and said 'who cares' - the exact motherfucking attitude that I am trying to combat in my peer group.

I will continue to blame commercial culture for the way that we are. I found a fucking fantastic public sphere show on TVO call the Agenda. Its an hour show that deals with political topics and includes a great feedback section. This is the television everyone should be watching. Except the only reason I came across it is because I don't have cable.

I am going to read that post and file yet another reason why I'm afraid, in awe, perplexed, disgusted, fascinated with the the US. I am going to read the comments to see what the DTBs readers think. I am going to battle the who care attitude until I begin to see it picked up by everyone.

*side note* great idea for a book - a post modern tragedy where the main character's life spirals away from him through a series of hyperreal events

1 comment:

Matt said...

I don't understand your post. You read mine and said you don't care, but you are disappointed in yourself for not caring, because you are tired of the apathy you see around you? What was it about my post that you didn't care about? And you said you're going to try to combat it? How? Why? I don't understand.