Wednesday, April 18, 2007

what it feels like for a girl

This is my attempt at a quick blog. I'm just about to eat dinner and go out for a couple of beers with a buddy of mine I haven't seen in a while.
And I'm standing in the kitchen thinking, "Fuck! I don't want to have sex with ___." This is the short guy that I have hooked up with a couple of times over the past few months. He was the guy I saw right after I got back from Cuba. We are going to same bar tonite, seperatly.
Anyways hes moving to Montreal and he wants to see me again before he goes. I have been trying to avoid it but hes leaves next week. And it is the civil thing to do. Theres really no reason for me not too - except - its too easy. It came to me in a stream on consciousness, I don't want a guy who loves to suck my cock or be my bottom. I want someone who calls me fat and fucks me hard. Someone I have work for their approval.
What is wrong with me? And then it hit me.
This is what it must feel like to be a girl.

Summer's here by the by, so I will have time more prolific blog.
My mircowave is beeping at.


dan said...

here's a secret thought I consider sometimes, I don't know if it's true or not but... with guys sometimes I want to be the hot one, so I think that's weird. like if they are too hot I'm not as comfortable. but that could just be bullshit, i dunno...good post. later

dan said...

btw, would LVOE to hear about Cuba, always been a dream to go. I guess because you are canadian you get to visit right. how was it?