Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My First Real Blog

Ok so for this blog I am going to talk about things. Where do I begin.

It always starts with sex so why not. I love ginger kids. Its a crude term, but its better than redhead. Because its more than that. Its its a very distinct, north British Ilse blood. Fair skin, tall, and not always large but mostly meaty.

Living in Canada, and going to white school, I am fortunate enough to have a number on my campus. Today I ran into one at the gym and he wasn't big by any means, he could been like a buck 50, maybe 65. But he was ripped. And pale. But his shooting blue eyes and large swaying bluge. glwlwlwl

Oh I lost myself for a second there - ok men. There are so many facets. I want to do them all but its too many.

But That is why I am sharing this information with you. My obsession with my own gender is gross. I love guys. I love a very particular kind of guy. I love straight guys. Which is a predicament, yes? Yes.

Well I found someone who loves straight guys as much as I do. A new lover? No.

His name is Charlie LeDuff. An Irish boy. Brown hair. But a very interesting face on an interesting man. LeDuff is a journalist who works in cultural analysis. I saw him on Steven Colbert's The Colbert Report, Tuesday night promoting his new book US Guys. He travelled the country to document the current male condition.

What a great fucking idea! I am all over this book, and when I wikipedia'd him I found that he hosts a television program on the Discovery Times channel (!??!!?!? - you fucking lucky stupid americans!). I can't wait until it comes out on DVD.

This is my tribute to ginger boys. Cheers.

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