Friday, June 22, 2007

From out West

Ok, I'm here. It's been 3 days. I found a place yesterday. Still no job. But thats my own fault. I just don't want to work. I'm going to get on it today. At least for a day job. I have to hit the bars at night and guess I still haven't worked up the courage. But I am going to hit the restaurants after lunch. Which is soon. I was also held up by money, and I got some today, so...

Oh Vancouver. The place is awesome, but I miss home. Not home itself, just the thought of my place, my things, my friends. I have no one here really. There's Kevin who is awesome, but he lives in North Van, and has his own life. Parents are still a big part of that, but I guess when you live at home... The place I found is a fucking closet. Like an actual storage closet in this guy's shoebox condo. Thats not a condo... I don't know. But its a closet. A $475 dollar closet. *shakes head* What am I doing?

I figure I will be able to a get a good bar job which should pay like $350 in tips a month. Plus pay. Plus If I get a restaurant job for during the day. I will be able to eat at work...

I went for a run along the waterfront, Wednesday. It was awesome. The people here are beautiful, the scenery here is breathtaking. So for as much as it isn't perfect, it is exactly what I wanted. Something different, new and interesting. I need to try and find a place to stay for relatively free next week. I can't move in until the 1st. I can't really stay at the hostel for a full week or least not this hostel. $25 a night is cheap but not cheap enough.

The weed here is dicriculous. Like fuct. Smoked two joints and just STONED... Met a really cool guy. Not gonna detail it, but he was really really cool. He had a pocket dog - a Chiwawa named Nemo.

This why I need a camera...

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