Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I think I have started to substitute blogging for jerking off. At the moment my laptop doesn't work, and not that I can't get off without internet porn, but jerking off outside of that context makes me feel like a 13 year old again. I beat it in the shower last week, and it was ok, but I felt... I donno. I can blog in public though which seems to be working.

Anyways, its friggin 11 o'clock in the morning, I'm not hung over but I've got my sunglasses on inside the library. Went to my faculty pub last night. AWESOME. Before that I went to a kegger one of the bartenders at my work was having. I get there and there these two HUGE guys at the door. "$10.00" They say. The money comes flying out of my pocket. Played a couple rounds of flip cup, had a shot or two.

Do I drink too much? I have been drinking a lot in the past week, and I need to stop. I can't afford to pay for it anymore and I can't afford the toll its taking on my body. I need to M EFFing sleep. Today was harder to get out of bed than the day before. But I did it. Got to school early to do an interview and the place wasn't even open. And I don't want to write the story. But I need the by-line so I will.

Boys. So. Many. Hott. Boys. I love going to this school. Wish I could find me one that would screw me. (While meeting my exceedingly high standards)

Class in 9 minutes. I feel like death and this prof is the worst. I just remembered the class fills up quick so I go.

That was good, will I see you again?

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